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Independence Day

July 05, 2022

After we celebrate our nation's independence we should all check on our professional independence.

  • blog

The Real Problem of Licensing

June 22, 2022

In a recent 1889 Institute blog, one of my colleagues discussed one suggested cure for occupational licensing: universal recognition. Its shortcomings became obvious with a bit of thought: it only helps some consumers (those close enough to the state border to be worth traveling to) and it only helps them a little bit – allowing out of state practitioners to practice in the state doesn’t boost the supply of practitioners to anything like the same degree eliminating the licensing requirements would. Sure, universal recognition makes a certain kind of sense, if you don’t think too hard about the immorality of requiring government permission to sell your labor. After all, why would a hair stylist trained in Oklahoma be lower quality than a hair stylist trained in Kansas?

  • protect-cpa

Firms are using the new .cpa domain to supercharge their online presence. Here’s how.

June 14, 2022

Put a good idea in the hands of CPAs, and they’ll find innovative ways to make it even better. That’s exactly what’s happening right now with the new .cpa web domain.

5 Tips and Tools for Passing the CPA Exam

June 07, 2022

A lot of asset blood, liability sweat and equity tears are shed during every professional’s CPA Exam journey. No journey is the same, but every person is trying to reach the same destination: Pass all four sections of the Exam and become a certified public accountant. There are many methods to the madness, so here are five tips to keep you progressing forward:

  • student

Podcast - EDs on the go — Compliance audits and other revisions

June 03, 2022

Hear about the exposure drafts directly from Nancy Miller, a PEEC member who chairs the task force responsible for the proposed code revisions related to compliance audits. Nancy and Melissa Powell, a manager in the ethics division, talk about the changes, why PEEC believes they’re necessary, and what they’d like to hear from you. Never miss an episode. You can follow Ethically Speaking at Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you stream content. Just search for “Ethically Speaking” and look for our jolly citrus logo

  • ethics

Is this the end of retirement as we know it?

June 02, 2022

The ‘retirement ideal’ has been changing for years. Older people are increasingly unretiring, changing the shape of this life stage.

  • retirement

AICPA 2022 Spring Council

May 19, 2022

An update from your delegation's trip to Austin TX to hear from AICPA on the future of the profession and to provide feedback on plans to address the issues we are facing.

  • blog

Come Home Montana + Housing

May 19, 2022

Gov. Greg Gianforte’s signature pledge to bring home Montana’s kids and grandkids, now backed by a $700,000 marketing campaign, has run headlong into angst over Montana’s ‘crazy real estate market.’

  • montana connections

Protecting the Mental Health of High-Risk Populations During Quarantine

May 16, 2022

Some high-risk groups of people, such as frontline workers, those with health conditions, and children may face mental health challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • mental health

2022 Post Tax Season DOR Meeting

May 11, 2022

May 11th the State Tax Committee met with DOR staff to discuss the tax season and plans for the future.

  • advocacy
  • dor

How to Plan Now to Leave Your Business Later

April 18, 2022

It is critical to plan early so you can sell your firm when you are ready. Researching options early in the process can help you manage your transition, instead of getting stuck.

  • retirement

Put the ‘Success’ in Succession

April 18, 2022

Firms need to define the succession plan that best suits their needs and then live that plan well.

  • retirement

Tax Simplification

April 12, 2022

A long time legislative priority of the Society passed the Montana Legislature in 2021. Due to issues with federal funding, it will not be implemented until 2024.

  • advocacy

Choosing Between Public and Corporate Accounting

February 28, 2022

Within all accounting career opportunities, graduates have numerous options: public accounting, corporate accounting, nonprofit, education, government, consulting or self-employment. The specializations available include audit, financial forensics, information technology, business valuation, personal financial planning, tax and managerial. This article focuses on the two most common options: public practice and corporate accounting. Both have unique employment attributes that must be considered when choosing an accounting career path.

  • the climb
  • student

Protect staff’s mental health with true time off

December 17, 2021

Even when staff take time off from work, many aren't truly "off." It can be difficult to shut out work when Wi-Fi and cell reception can turn any place into an office. Even when they're on paid time off, staff may feel pressure to stay available to clients and co-workers.

  • mental health

How CPAs and employers can support mental health

November 01, 2021

The pandemic has exacerbated struggles with anxiety and depression that require colleagues and management to respond with empathy and care.

  • mental health

Helping an Employee Who’s Going Through Depression

March 05, 2021

Depression in the workplace is a problem that employers may have to address. Research shows that in a given year, about 17.3 million American adults, or around 7.1% of the adult population, will experience an episode of depression.

  • mental health

How To Become a Music Business Accountant

March 04, 2020

Music Business Accountants help musicians and music industry companies with their tax returns and other financial statements. They review royalty statements, help with applications for financing, analyze contracts, and review business plans, among other duties.

  • student

Reimagine productivity: Working with intention

January 12, 2020

It’s fair to say life has gotten a little crazy. With the uncertainty of the financial markets and the constant barrage of news on coronavirus, we all feel a little overwhelmed. When life and work become overwhelming, it’s easy to go on autopilot.

  • mental health

Dan Vuckovich, CPA, honored by state association

August 03, 2017

The Montana Society of Certified Public Accountants announced Dan Vuckovich, CPA, ABV, CFF, shareholder at Anderson ZurMuehlen, was presented with the 2017 George D. Anderson Distinguished Service Award on June 22 at the society’s 104th Annual Conference.

  • press