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CPE & Event Classes

MTCPA offers thousands of live and online courses to meet your professional development needs. Our goal is to enhance your knowledge and help you achieve even greater success.

Most MTCPA classes are available both LIVE [In-Person] and VIRTUAL [MTCPA Webcasts (in-house) or Webinars (other providers)], so please be sure to register for the correct format under the appropriate tab below.

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Showing 2708 Webinars Results

Prevention & Detection of Fraud In Small Businesses


Webcast Only

4.00 Credits

The importance of the control environment The three most common behavioral red flags exhibited by perpetrators Why it is much more cost effective to prevent fraud than it is to detect fraud The reason why the small business owner/auditor should think about how they would steal Who steals and why Common myths about stealing that are not true Understanding the concept of risk management

K2's 2023 Understanding Your Ransomware Risk


Webcast Only

1.00 Credits

Trends in ransomware attacks Best practices for minimizing ransomware risk

Up Your Influence: How To Get What You want


Webcast Only

2.50 Credits

Persuasion Influence

How AI is Automating Internal Control 2024


Webcast Only

4.00 Credits

• An explanation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) • Specific ways AI is replacing human cognition • What is on the internal control horizon related to AI and other technologies

Federal Tax Update - Individuals (Form 1040) with Pat Garverick WEBCAST


Webcast Only

8.00 Credits

This session is a comprehensive review of the Federal individual income tax provisions and tax forms/schedules that will affect the 2024 tax returns and 2025 tax projections with an emphasis on newly enacted income tax legislation, court cases, and IRS guidance. Each participant will receive a comprehensive individual income tax reference manual that includes numerous practice aids, real world examples, new Federal income tax forms and schedules, and Pat Garverick's Quick Reference Chart. Topics include but are not limited to: Discuss the most recent individual income tax legislation passed to date, Review numerous individual income tax provisions related to business (i.e., sole proprietors and owners in pass through entities) including but not limited to the 20% qualified business income (QBI) deduction, Schedule 461(l) business loss limitations, and depreciation. Cover issues related and any changes to the various taxes (i.e., income tax rates, capital gain tax rates, self-employment tax and alternative minimum tax (AMT), 3.8% net investment income tax), Brush up on other topics such as income filing status, personal exemptions, itemized deductions, exclusions from income, adjustments to income, rentals, passive activity rules and individual income tax credits (e.g., child tax credit and dependent care credit), Walk through the NEW final required minimum distribution (RMD) regulations, Look at any changes to the Form 1040 and other related schedules and forms.

ProActive Response Group De-Escalation Training


Webcast Only

1.20 Credits

Definition of De-Escalation Recognizing Anger Situational Awareness LOWLINE Technique MR EBS Technique Posturing Controlling the Environment

Internal Control Frameworks for Single Audit


Webcast Only

1.00 Credits

Auditing COSO 2013 Update

How AI and Synthetic Media Can Transform Your Communication


Webcast Only

1.00 Credits

AI Fundamentals for HR Strategic HR Communication Synthetic Media in Onboarding Dynamic Content Management AI-Enhanced Stakeholder Engagement Innovative Training with AI

Take Your PowerPoint From Mess to Success


Webcast Only

1.00 Credits

Image-based slides One idea per slide Effectiveness of bullets Effectiveness of slide titles Slides vs. handouts

Feeling Stressed from Change & Uncertainty? How to Stay Positive when Things Get Tough


Webcast Only

1.60 Credits

Change management Leadership

Ask Me No Questions and I Will Tell You No Lies - The Art of Interviewing & Interrogation


Webcast Only

3.00 Credits

Defining an interview Why we choose to believe or not believe someone Types of individuals you will be talking with Why people lie Types of liars Unsharable needs Verbal and nonverbal clues How to listen Obtaining a confession

Strategies for Guiding Clients Through Challenging Situations: Tax Insights


Webcast Only

8.00 Credits

Navigating the tax and non-tax dimensions of divorce. Unveiling tax and non-tax considerations in personal bankruptcy, debt cancellation, foreclosure, repossession, and bad debt reporting. Exploring the tax and non-tax aspects of personal relationship matters, encompassing cohabitation, property rights, premarital agreements, filing status, exemptions, and dependents. Grasping the intricacies of support considerations for spouses and former spouses. Addressing support matters for children of divorced or separated parents, alongside the tax treatment of back child support. Delving into the business implications in instances of business dissolution. Tackling specialized topics, including marital property rules, tax rate comparisons for married and unmarried individuals, head of household status, and treatment of refunds and deficiencies.

K2's 2023 Ten Must Know Features In Excel


Webcast Only

2.00 Credits

How to securely and efficiently collaborate with others Using Excel for optimization scenarios Creating “audit trails” in Excel Define “dynamic arrays” and list examples of their benefits

Powerful Public Speaking: Communicate With Confidence


Webcast Only

3.20 Credits


SAS 145 - Risk Assessment


Webcast Only

1.00 Credits

SAS 145 Auditing

The Education Advantage: Strategies for Boosting Employee Retention and Engagement


Webcast Only

1.00 Credits

Statistics on Turnover and Engagement Professional Development Initiatives Employee Retention Educational Opportunities Available at the Individual and Organizational Level

Walkin', Talkin', Lookin' & Listenin' - Or Things Most of Us Don't Do Well


Webcast Only

2.00 Credits

The importance of making yourself available How to start a conversation and what to NOT talk about The art of how to listen When you don’t understand what they just said Don’t fool by equivocations when they respond to a question Materiality and perception

Live Webinar K2's Mastering Advanced Excel Functions


Webcast Only

4.00 Credits

• Powerful new functions and features in Excel, such as XLOOKUP and Dynamic Arrays• How to use “legacy” features and functions such as AGGREGATE• Creating effective forecasts in Excel

Strategic Synergy: Unleashing HR's Impact on Business Strategy


Webcast Only

1.00 Credits

The Evolution of HR in Business Strategy Business Acumen for HR Professionals Strategic HR Concepts Technology and HR Alignment with Business Objectives

What's Your Brand Reputation? Determine and Drive How Others See You


Webcast Only

2.50 Credits
