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Showing 2735 All Results

Why Auditors Fail To Detect Fraud


Webcast Only

2.00 Credits

Reasons auditors fail to detect fraud Willful Ignorance SAS No. 82 Additional documentation How and who to talk to Determining the Tone At the Top How to Determining Intent If you expect it, you will see it

K2's 2023 Understanding Your Ransomware Risk


Webcast Only

1.00 Credits

Trends in ransomware attacks Best practices for minimizing ransomware risk

Mastering The Three Pillars of Cybersecurity: Exploring the Technology Pillar


Webcast Only

1.00 Credits

Technology Cybersecurity

What Does Fraud Look Like?


Webcast Only

2.00 Credits

Why auditors fail to detect fraud Usual vs an unusual transaction Why fraud and stupid often look exactly the same The importance of establishing the Perception of Detection The number one reason fraud occurs Looking for things that should be there Looking for things that should not be there

Preparing for & Conducting Discharge Meetings


Webcast Only

1.20 Credits

Issues to be evaluated pre-discharge. Off-site/off work-misconduct. Pre-discharge interviews Resignations Discharge meetings Exit Interviews Reference checks

When Leadership Fails


Webcast Only

2.00 Credits

Who’s responsible The importance of policies and procedures The development, implementation and monitoring of internal controls There is no excuse Who steals The Tone At the Top and the Big Monkey Theory

Asset Misappropriation - Let Me Count the Ways


Webcast Only

2.00 Credits

Identifying opportunity The three most common behavioral red flags that we should always look for The many ways to commit check fraud (it’s so easy) Why inventory is such a good place to hide theft of assets How to cover up inventory fraud Accounts Receivable Fraud and how it works How to count inventory that’s not there

Mastering The Three Pillars of Cybersecurity: Team & Compliance


Webcast Only

1.00 Credits

Technology Cybersecurity

K2'S 2023 Top Ten Outlook Tips


Webcast Only

2.00 Credits

Working more efficiently by structuring your screen better, creating shortcut buttons, using Categories, creating Search folders, and using boards Store emails in better places so you can reference them faster Stop typing and use templates instead

K2's 2023 Ten Must Know Features In Excel


Webcast Only

2.00 Credits

How to securely and efficiently collaborate with others Using Excel for optimization scenarios Creating “audit trails” in Excel Define “dynamic arrays” and list examples of their benefits

Balancing Employee and Employer Rights


Webcast Only

1.40 Credits

Customary management functions. Delegation of authority. Implementing changes in terms of employment. Fundamental duties owed to employer.  

Effective Business Writing: Cut Your Writing Time in Half and Double Your Impact


Webcast Only

2.00 Credits

Identify effective writing’s key elements Learn a simple, direct, effective business writing process Edit your own and others’ documents effectively

10 Ways to Create Delighted Clients and More Referrals


Webcast Only

4.00 Credits

Communicate more powerfully with clients and other CPA's by understanding human behavior • How to judge if your communication is effective in motivating someone • How to get someone to really hear you and how to really hear what someone else is “not saying.” • How to communicate so that someone will happily do what you want How to create trust and get people to like working with you – inside and outside the firm • The 3 most important keys for getting someone to feel rapport with you • Why rapport is so important, and how to use it to profit in your work • How to quickly solve problems with people once you have their rapport Secret techniques that super-successful communicators use • How to persuade people without them knowing they are being persuaded • How Ronald Reagan, Oprah and Bill Clinton are similar, and how you can tap into their "magical abilities." • The three most important keys all successful communicators use How outstanding service can lead to more promotions and/or client development • The art of getting more referrals and turning referrals into clients • Why great service is better for your business in the long run • How to know what’s most important to your client or boss—so you can focus on that

Strategies for Guiding Clients Through Challenging Situations: Tax Insights


Webcast Only

8.00 Credits

Navigating the tax and non-tax dimensions of divorce. Unveiling tax and non-tax considerations in personal bankruptcy, debt cancellation, foreclosure, repossession, and bad debt reporting. Exploring the tax and non-tax aspects of personal relationship matters, encompassing cohabitation, property rights, premarital agreements, filing status, exemptions, and dependents. Grasping the intricacies of support considerations for spouses and former spouses. Addressing support matters for children of divorced or separated parents, alongside the tax treatment of back child support. Delving into the business implications in instances of business dissolution. Tackling specialized topics, including marital property rules, tax rate comparisons for married and unmarried individuals, head of household status, and treatment of refunds and deficiencies.

The Great Divide - Successful Collaboration Across Generations for HR Professionals


Webcast Only

1.00 Credits

Diversity Inclusion Generations Leadership Engagement

Navigating Difficult Conversations with Clients


Webcast Only

1.00 Credits

Communication Negotiation Conflict Persuasion Management Leadership Customer Service

Mastering Charitable Remainder Trusts and Form 5227Compliance


Webcast Only

2.00 Credits

Introduction to Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs) Types of CRTs and their Benefits Formation and Funding of CRTs Identifying Suitable Candidates for CRTs Understanding Form 5227: An Overview Line-by-Line Breakdown of Form 5227 Reporting Trust Assets and Income Distributions and Charitable Beneficiaries Compliance Updates and Recent Changes to Form 5227 Best Practices for Accurate Completion and Filing

Prevention & Detection of Fraud In Small Businesses


Webcast Only

4.00 Credits

The importance of the control environment The three most common behavioral red flags exhibited by perpetrators Why it is much more cost effective to prevent fraud than it is to detect fraud The reason why the small business owner/auditor should think about how they would steal Who steals and why Common myths about stealing that are not true Understanding the concept of risk management

The Role of HR in Business Sustainability


Webcast Only

1.20 Credits

What is "Sustainability" in business today? SHRM publications about sustainability Sustainability for the world, organizations and individuals Key HR opportunities for promoting sustainability to improve performance and reduce risk

Ask Me No Questions and I Will Tell You No Lies - The Art of Interviewing & Interrogation


Webcast Only

3.00 Credits

Defining an interview Why we choose to believe or not believe someone Types of individuals you will be talking with Why people lie Types of liars Unsharable needs Verbal and nonverbal clues How to listen Obtaining a confession