CPE Catalog & Events
CPE & Event Classes
MTCPA offers thousands of live and online courses to meet your professional development needs. Our goal is to enhance your knowledge and help you achieve even greater success.
Most MTCPA classes are available both LIVE [In-Person] and VIRTUAL [MTCPA Webcasts (in-house) or Webinars (other providers)], so please be sure to register for the correct format under the appropriate tab below.
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Partnership Essentials: Review & Update
4.00 Credits
Current Issues in Accounting and Auditing: An Annual Update
4.00 Credits
Recently issued but newly implemented Accounting Standards Updates (ASUs), the PCC Update, and items on the FASB's Technical Agenda New ASUs covering common control leases, crypto assets (e.g., cryptocurrency) and income tax disclosures Leases -- Topic 842 Recently issued SASs and other AICPA activity through SAS No. 149 Detailed review of SAS No. 145 Other important A&A practice matters
Fiduciary Accounting for Estates and Trusts
4.00 Credits
Guide and Update to Compilations, Review and Preparations
4.00 Credits
SSARS No. 21, Clarification and Recodification, and updates to SSARS No. 21 due to the issuance of SSARS No. 23, Omnibus Statement on Standards for Accounting and Review Services SSARS No. 22, Compilation of Pro Forma Financial Information SSARS No. 24, Omnibus Statement on Standards for Accounting and Review Services - 2018 SSARS No. 25, Materiality in a Review of Financial Statements and Adverse Conclusions Sample comprehensive engagement work programs for preparation, compilation and review engagements
Guide to Preparing Form 1041 for Estates and Trusts
4.00 Credits
Federal Tax Update - Billings
16.00 Credits
Federal Tax Update - Missoula
16.00 Credits