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Surgent's Four Tiers of Loss Limitations: A Guide to the Rules for Pass-Through Entities


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4.00 Credits

Member Price $179.00

Non-Member Price $199.00


Owners of S corporations and partnerships are subject to numerous limitations on pass-through losses, each with unique rules, applications, and complexities. With the increase in popularity of pass-through business entities, it is essential for CPAs to understand the complexities and interactions of these pass-through loss limitations.


  • The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022
  • Tier 1: Basis limitations for S corporation shareholders and partners
  • Tier 2: Section 465 at-risk limitations for S corporation shareholders and partners, including the impact of debt, indemnities, guarantees, and shareholder/partner agreements
  • Tier 3: Section 469 passive loss limitations and exceptions to the limitations
  • Tier 4: The excess business loss limitation of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (new §461(l)), American Rescue Plan Act, and Inflation Reduction Act


Basic familiarity with loss allowance rules of pass-through entities

Designed For

Experienced practitioners who desire a refresher on loss limitations and an analysis of the new rules. Inexperienced practitioners who desire to learn the basics of all four pass-through loss limitations and their interactions in one course.


  • Analyze how basis in an ownership interest in a pass-through entity is established
  • Discuss how activity of the entity, distributions, and optional adjustments increase or decrease basis
  • Discuss when basis is "at-risk" under Section 465, and the resulting loss disallowance and carryforward related to basis that is not at-risk
  • Define passive activities under Section 469 and exceptions to the passive loss rules
  • Discuss when and how aggregation of activities should be used to avoid the passive loss rules
  • Analyze §461(l) created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 and understand the limitation calculation and resulting carryforward
  • Analyze the hierarchy of the loss limitations with examples of the application of the four tiers of losses and how they interact
  • Use case studies to reinforce the learning objectives




Leader Bios

Michael Frost, AICPA

Mike Frost, CPA, EA is an associate and shareholder of MDA Professional Group, P.C. and has been with the Albertville office since 1989. Currently a tax partner, Mike specializes in all areas of income tax and small business consulting including but not limited to: Business and individual income tax preparation and planning, estate and retirement planning, estate, gift, and trust tax preparation, small business consulting, Medicare planning and other elder care, audit representation, religious groups and clergy. Mike has conducted CPE engagements and seminars for the Alabama Society of Enrolled Agents and the Childcare Resource Network of Alabama and is an instructor for the Alabama Society of Certified Public Accountants. Mike has served as technical advisor for tax articles for the Sand Mountain Reporter newspaper, and has been a regular on the public speaking circuit. Mike also conducts in-house training in all areas of income tax for his firm. Mike graduated with “high honors and distinction” from Jacksonville State University with a major in accounting and a minor in finance and a 4.0 GPA. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Alabama Society of Certified Public Accountants, the National Association of Enrolled Agents, the Alabama Association of Enrolled Agents, and the Accountants Global Network, International. In addition, he is a graduate of the Tax Planning and Advising for Closely Held Businesses Certificate of Educational Achievement Program sponsored by the AICPA. Mike is an ordained minister and pastor. He enjoys music, and is a vocalist in a local Christian band. He is also active in his community as an Albertville Rotarian. Mike resides in Albertville, Alabama with his wife, Kay, and two children, Dylan and Sarah.

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Non-Member Price $199.00

Member Price $179.00