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Campus Ambassador Program

The MTCPA Campus Ambassador Program is a leadership opportunity for Montana college students to promote the accounting profession and MTCPA on their campuses. Ambassadors serve as a bridge between MTCPA and their peers, helping to increase awareness of career opportunities, student resources, and the benefits of MTCPA student membership.

What are Ambassadors expected to do?

  • Become a member of an accounting club at your university. (ex: Beta Alpha Psi)
  • Follow MTCPA on Facebook/LinkedIn/Instagram.
  • Attend an orientation with an MTCPA membership engagement coordinator.
  • Complete monthly check-ins with your MTCPA coordinator
  • Direct accounting students to MTCPA career resources.
  • Promote free student membership to your peers.
  • Attend the MTCPA Annual Conference in June and suggest other students do the same. FREE attendance and per diem for travel.

What are the benefits of being an ambassador?

  • Develop your leadership style and skills.
  • Boost your resume.
  • Receive MTCPA swag.
  • Access networking opportunities.
  • Collect a $100 gift card of choice at the end of your 1-year academic term.
  • Be featured in MTCPA’s Student eNewsletter.


Spots are limited to one student per university.